Which manga was the best-selling in 2005?

2005 was a memorable year for manga fans due to the release of several legendary manga series. Here are the top 2 best-selling manga of 2005, which have remained iconic and irreplaceable to this day!

1. Vinland Saga (Released on March 2, 2005)

What does Vinland Saga talk about?

Ten years ago, a strong warrior named Thors lost his life in a fight with Askeladd - a powerful and ruthless Viking. Having witnessed his demise, Thors’ son, Thorfinn, became consumed by hatred and vowed to exact revenge on his father’s killer in an honorable duel. With nowhere to go, Thorfinn was recruited onto Askeladd’s ship and began working with the crew as they pillage settlements and trick naive armies. Now, the young boy spends his days honing his battle skills while carrying out Askeladd’s bidding in order to earn his reward of a duel with the vicious captain. But despite having failed in all his bouts with the man he despises so much, will the day ever come when Thorfinn can finally defeat Askeladd and lay his father’s memory to rest?

What genre does Vinland Saga belong to?

Action  Adventure  Drama  Historical  Mature  Psychological  Seinen  Shounen  Tragedy

2. Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East (Released on March 4, 2005)

What does Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East talk about?

When their village was wiped out five years ago, there were only three young survivors: boys Shino Inuzuka and Sosuke Inukawa and the girl Hamaji. Through a quirk of fate, both boys share the same peony-shaped birthmark. Genpachi Inukai and Kobungo Inuta were raised hundreds of miles away as foster brothers, but they too share the same birthmark. When they went north as part of the army three years ago, they went to confront demons and came back forever transformed. Now the Imperial Church has come for Shino and Sosuke and they must find eight mystical gems and their owners or face a fate worse than death at the hands of the Church.

What genre does Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East belong to?

Action  Adventure  Comedy  Drama  Fantasy  Mystery  Shoujo  Slice of Life  Supernatural

Where can I read manga 2005?

Nowadays, reading manga has become much easier, as you don't need to buy physical copies anymore and can read manga online. One of the free online manga reading websites is FreemangaTop .
Have a nice day!

How to access the FreemangaTop website?

Simply connect your phone or computer to the internet and visit, and you can read all the manga you want. Wishing you a pleasant and relaxing time!

There is no Manga in this 2005 - Manga Release Year