A Small Lie

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Notice: Make sure you don't overlook the newest manhwa craze, "A Small Lie", which can be accessed for free on the FreeMangaTop website. Summary: This letter is regarding my culpability in the death of your son. Yuchan, the older sibling, excels in academics, while Yujae, the younger one, shows no enthusiasm for schooling. Their mother, Jiwon, feels relieved when Yujae starts opening up to his tutor, Mira. However, Jiwon receives a shocking letter from Mira one day stating, "I am writing to inform you about my son's murder." Review:
I couldn't put A Small Lie down once I started reading it. The story is intense and emotional, and the characters are so well-written that you can't help but become invested in their lives. Overall, an excellent manhwa that I would definitely recommend to others.
Alternative Name:

A Small Fib, 사소한 거짓말

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