Born a Princess

Free Reading Born a Princess on ZinManga

Notice: Make sure you don't overlook the newest manhwa craze, "Born a Princess", which can be accessed for free on the FreeMangaTop website. Summary:
"I can't believe I'm already the treasured princess of the great empire, and I'm not even a month old," I said. All my life, I craved love from my family, but they abandoned and abused me. This family was a complete waste of time. After a dismal end, I found myself in a new world. "I'm the empire's treasured princess, but why is my father, the emperor, acting so weird?" He kept giving me Ponce Castle and the most fertile lands. "Is this what it feels like to be loved by your family?"
Review: The art is just so beautiful it's worth reading :) Alternative Name:

 Baby Tyrant, A Baby Tyrant, 베이비 폭군

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