Shut Line

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Notice: Make sure you don't overlook the newest manhwa craze, "Shut Line", which can be accessed for free on the FreeMangaTop website. Summary: Shin's job as a rogue mechanic in the mean city streets leaves him struggling to get by. Work is hard to come by and the pay is hardly worth the effort. However, when Jake, a tall, blond, and well-dressed man, shows up with car trouble, Shin sees a chance to make a good sum of money. Despite his reservations, Shin agrees to take on the job, which turns out to be very profitable. But after handing over his contact information to Jake, Shin realizes that he may have made a grave mistake. Soon enough, Jake's demands go beyond just car repairs, leaving Shin in a difficult and dangerous situation. Review:
The art is good with some intriguing characters , can't wait for the next chapter
Alternative Name:

Shutline, 셔트라인

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